Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16th

Because of the homecoming parade, we did not have band today.  Students were given a copy of Mary Had a Little Whippet yesterday, and we learned the fingerings for each of the notes.  Please encourage your child to practice the first four measures this weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clarinets: Wednesday, September 14th

Here are the two notes we worked on for clarinet.

Flutes: Wednesday, September 14th

Here are the two notes we worked on today for flutes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13th

Today we went to the pep rally, but afterwards the students were given a theory assignment to complete for Thursday.  It is a two-sided sheet which deals with rhythms.  This is a 60% grade.  Your child should be practicing at home each night, preferably in a mirror.  I have given them several handouts dealing with instrument assembly.  Please go over these step-by-step sheets with your child and make sure they are assembling and holding their instrument correctly.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7th

Today we worked on the following things:

1. How to open the case correctly (right side up with the case sitting on the floor or on top of a table)

2. Clarinet reed care (don't touch the tip of the reed...always wet the reed before placing it on the mouthpiece)

3.  Bell assembly and height (should be at waist level)

4. Putting the reed on the clarinet mouthpiece

5. Forming the proper flute and clarinet embouchure

6. How to properly hold mallets for bell playing

7. Parts of the instruments

Tonight your child should work on opening the case correctly without parts falling out, putting on the reed (clarinets), forming the correct embouchure using a mirror, and identifying the parts of the instrument.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 6

Today will be the last day without instruments!  YAY!  From Wednesday on, we will be using instruments EVERY DAY.  Failure to bring your instrument to class will result in a 20 point deduction on your weekly grade.  Today we learned the parts of our instruments and reviewed note names of the treble clef.  Thursday we will have a quiz on the parts of the instrument.  Please go over the parts and the spelling of each of the words, as misspelling will be counted off.  We will have a quiz very soon on note names of the treble clef, so please stay posted for a specific date.

Tonight is Mississippi Music Instrument Night, which begins at 6 PM.  If you are planning on paying the down payment tonight and paying month by month, you must fill out a credit application.  While they will have some at Instrument Night, it is much quicker to have it filled out when you come.  Here is a link for the application:

Check back often, as this website will be updated a good bit.  Thanks for visiting!